Karen Larmour

Work in Progress

Email received from Karen:

'Hi Sally, I just thought I’d touch base with you about Humpty and Jemima….I am really looking forward to Kensington! I have been working on my 50th Birthday project this last week and today I built the cabinet. (It is a Jane Harrop kit.) Our wallpaper was pink and flowery and our settee was green. I have lots more to put in it. I just had a play tonight to see how the furniture etc fits. The record is what was number one on the day I was born. The space you can see on the right of the settee is where Humpty and Jemima will live….as you can see they already have friends to welcome them.💗 See you in a few weeks time….I will be heading straight to your stall, lol. Karen.'

I asked Karen about the photos in the scene and she replied;

'The photo is of me as a child.😊 The teddy bear is Michael, my life long partner in crime!😂 He was handmade for me by my Great Nanna when I was born so he is 50 years old too! He does still look like that now, the photo was taken around 10 years ago but he just looks the same. My Nanna was 80 years old when she made him and I was privileged to have her in my life for 17 years….at 97 she was still living on her own and was fairly independent! The joy of having Nanna that long was that Michael was always having visits to ‘bear hospital’ and of course I would go along too and sleepover with him.💗 He is certainly very loved and my most treasured possession…'