Susan Collins 1/12th World War 2
World War 2
by Susan Collins

Susan Collins purchased Samuel Whisker as an addition for her World War 2 little boy's bedroom.

Susan had a second terrace house made for her to add to Jubilee Terrace. Outside so far there are allotments, a 'Dig for Victory' garden, Anderson shelters, an outside privy, and a Grocer's shop. More is still being added.......
The next pictures show a selection of further rooms inside the terraced houses....

A little girl's room with suitcase and gas mask must be a temporary home for an evacuee.

Living room


Outside there is an Anderson Shelter and Agnes sitting on the privy. Susan says it is five minutes peace and quiet for the old girl!

The 'Dig for Victory' garden....

Someone else taking five minutes for a cigarette and forty winks with his beloved pigeons....

Here we have Harold smoking his pipe in between potting up the seeds.
Next there is the Grocer's Shop showing all the signs of rationing...

This is the living room at the top of the shop
And outside the shop........

The little evacuee with his teddy waiting to be collected.
And finally outside there is a street party in full swing.....

Susan says that these and some of the other characters in her scenes are made by Carol Bull of Bags of Character. I love the way they are all using their hands. It looks as though the little boy is going to get away with helping himself to a bakewell tart!
Last but not least is my favourite picture. The pram and baby have been left outside in the yard after returning from a trip to the shops.

'Nobody has noticed what the cheeky little baby is up to and that one of the dogs has run off with the string of sausages from the weekly rations!'