New Homes for Miniature Humpties and Jemimas

Many customers who received the Humpties and Jemimas ordered at the London Dollshouse Showcase in February have sent me photos of where the toys are now living...

Humpty and Jemima Playschool
Amanda Milburn
Gina Field
Tanya Booth
Shernelle Knox
Ruth Besford
Sue Collins
Debbie Willett
Samantha Durley
Humpty and Jemima
Debs Granville-Willett
Humpty and Jemima
Richard Savage
Humpty and Jemima
Tina Hackman 1
Humpty and Jemima
Tina Hackman 2
Humpty and Jemima
Gill Tutt says 'Humpty and Jemima have found a permanent residence on my desk where I can see them everyday'
Humpty and Jemima
Emma Chepaldin